Alcyomics is a unique pre-clinical service provider using Skimune®, non-artificial human skin explants for predicting adverse immune reactions as well as determining efficacy of novel compounds including pharmaceuticals, chemicals and cosmetics.

They were founded in 2007, by Professor Anne Dickinson following more than 30 years of research at Newcastle University, identifying responses of donor cells against patient skin tissue following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.  Her research led to the development of their human skin laboratory-based assay platform (Skimune ®).

As a spin out who still work closely with Newcastle University needed to be in the city centre and they were informed of the plans to build a new lab facility early on. Within nothing to suit their needs within 100 miles, this was a very exciting prospect. The idea that there would be hub for a Life Sciences community to develop and grow was a very exciting prospect, one that Alcyomics wanted to be a part of from the start. They moved to The Biosphere as soon as it opened.

“Being a building with like-minded businesses and that facilitates collaborations with the public and private sector adds so much value for us as spin out and growing business.

Alcyomics has always been based in Newcastle which is a thriving location for bio and life sciences. World leading research at Newcastle University, a supportive life science community and an outstanding NHS Hospital Trust makes Newcastle and The Biosphere the place to be.”

Professor Anne Dickinson, Alcyomics
